About the Artists
In August 2021 we began to spend our days making some clicks, capturing moments that will be remembered for a lifetime, we learned through the eyes and experience of many artists and we began to take a lot of interest in the wonders that are around us, we decided to resume, improve and experience the hobby of photography, but it was not until 2023 that we decided to take a big step in our lives, start our own business. This is how Nedith Faro Art and photography saw the sunshine.
Every project we worked on was an opportunity to translate the vision into images that transcend the ordinary. Going from everyday photography to productions designed exclusively for a single photograph, we are proud of our great progress. Thanks to a great influence on art in general, mainly thanks to painting, we managed through photography to propose a manipulation of reality for some of our photographs. However, we recognize the great value that a natural photograph contains.
We want to be able to create photographic works that connect with people. Explore and communicate different cultural perspectives. Show a different vision through photography where the image can have an artistic expression approach. But our main motivator is aimed at the sustainability of some other individuals and animals that can be supported through our art. Genuine, expressive, and communicative photography.
Get to Know Us a Little Better
Nedith Farias
I was born in Grand Rapids and raised in Mexico, and I moved to the United States in 2019.
A great passionate about animal life and a fervent believer that the best color is pink. I am a person who lives for fashion and dance.
Guided by a passion to share and grow together, I am here to help, inspire, and accompany you on your journey of discovery.

As featured in